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Based in Geneva, Aravis has a proven track record of consistently delivering quality products in a very timely manner. This is a result of employing talent across several time zones. From Singapore via Florence and Toronto all the way to Los Angeles, our team strikes the balance between speed and precision when crafting communications.



Our efforts involve shining light on cross-cutting issues in global health, migration, global security and the digital economy. The sustainable development agenda, related goals, indicators and systemic interconnectedness provide effective guideposts for integration and brokerage between governments, think-tanks, research institutes, public-private partnerships, foundations, corporations and investors.





Carmen Gallego After 12 years of researching and working to improve social conditions, Carmen has become an authority on how to integrate refugees into an existing labor market. A native resident of Barcelona, our translator/proofreader is fluent in Spanish, Catalan and English.


Simon Young: A British author and editor based in Italy, Simon has written for publications from the Spectator to the Guardian and from History Today to Fortean Times. He teaches at the University of Virginia (Siena, CET) and is about to publish his eighth book, with University of Exeter Press. He leads Aravis' work on copy-editing and speech writing.


Sierin Lim: Aravis is honored to have Dr. Sierin Lim as an expert reviewer of our scientific output. She is an associate professor of bioengineering and the Assistant Chair (Research) at the School of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore.


Katy Orell: a communications expert with over a decade of experience in writing, editing and creating communications strategies for international organizations - including the World Health Organization, the United Nations and the Pan-American Health Organization, academia and Geneva's luxury industry. Of French and American nationality, she is currently working towards a TEFL certification to add English teaching to her skillset. 


Paul Kasper: Our manager, Paul, has over twenty years of experience in teaching English/Spanish, editing, content creation, translation and research. He organizes the Aravis family and weighs in with a red pen as our projects begin to take shape.

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Lots of mis/disinformation sprang up during the COVID epidemic. The International Telecommunications Union wanted to share Best Practices on how to focus on proven facts with its member states, so I asked an old colleague, who is an expert in the world of folklore, to help out. His knowledge of how stories are born and gain momentum illuminated a nice framework to the four case studies we provided: Ireland, Niger, Uruguay and South Korea. 



With a team of three colleagues, Aravis researched, wrote and copy edited a generic funding proposal for the WHO. It is a document that they present to  potential donors so it had to be informative and catchy while also spurring the readers to action. Its catchiness comes from colorful infographics and photographs while the relied upon writing, meeting with the client, and lots of editing. 

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We've just copy edited several documents on Security Sector Reform and Governace for DCAF. Before that we edited a strategy for CEPHEID and wrote a generic funding document about Penicillin for The WHO. Other previous clients include VAXSEEN, for whom we submitted an entry for Vaccine Passports to the Gates Grand Challenge and the TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI).

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Aravis Global Advisors

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